Preparation Tips for Your First Visit

  1. We will need to learn a great deal about your current situation and health history. Although a case history will be available to you at the clinic, it is beneficial to fill out the form ahead of time. You may download the form using the link on this page. (see below)
  2. Wear loose fitting clothes that can be easily rolled up above your elbows and knees. Also, you will need to expose your abdomen from your rib cage to the top of your hips, so avoid one piece suits or dresses.
  3. For all acupuncture visits, be sure you have eaten at least a light meal within a few hours prior to arriving. Avoid overeating immediately before treatment.
  4. During the intake, you will be asked many questions, some related specifically to your complaint and others seemingly unrelated. Oriental Medicine requires the entire person be taken into consideration so we can determine what is causing the disease. We treat the whole person, not just the symptom.
  5. Please bring any information about your case you may have from your doctors, including lab tests, blood work, reports of x-rays or MRI’s, etc.
  6. For best results, avoid strenuous activity immediately following a treatment.

Pre Visit Forms

For all new patients, please click the Patient Intake Form link below. Print and fill in the form by hand so you can bring it to the first visit.

    For patients receiving herbal medicine treatments, please print and fill in the Self-Assessment Form and bring it to your next appointment.

    For patients receiving fertility treatment, please print and fill in the Fertility Survey Form and bring it to your next appointment.